2023’s colour swatch focuses on the coalition of vibrance, saturation, and the steadfastness of survival. Following two years of global uncertainty and strife, it’s no surprise that human-centric design has taken centre stage. The “vim and vigour” of Viva Magenta was selected to accentuate pulsating exuberance and promote joy and optimism for the future. In essence, the majesty of magenta was chosen to turn the page, close a tumultuous chapter, and attempt an entirely new narrative.
How will this new Pantone define design trends going forward? And how can we apply the magnetic presence of our Innovus collection to 2023’s colour of the year? Read on to find out more.
Colour of the year – Pantone 18-1750
The idea behind Viva Magenta is to promote a powerful and empowering presence to set the tone for 2023 design trends. It’s bold, animated, and evokes a sense of pure joy by encouraging experimentation, unrestrained creativity, and self-expression.
A playful take on transitional design, Viva Magenta was chosen to reflect a broader inclusion of design flavours. It encourages an almost rebellious nature in design and promotes the wild and audacious while retaining a full and conscious understanding of self-awareness. An unbound colour palette oozing with wit.
“Rooted in the primordial, PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta reconnects us to the original matter. Invoking the forces of nature, PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta galvanized our spirit, helping us to build our inner strength.” – Leatrice Eiseman – Executive Director, Pantone Colour Institute
Matching 2023 Pantones with Innovus Decorative Products
To better understand how to incorporate Viva Magenta into your home interior, we’ve taken a detailed look at how our décors blend with the vibrance of this new Pantone. Rather than adhere to similar hues, we believe that duality is essential. We’ve chosen a single décor from each category to further demonstrate our range’s versatility.
For Viva Magenta, nothing quite compliments the tenacity and boldness of this Pantone more than the edition of style and sophistication. To this end, black not only creates a perfect duality, but also enhances and compliments the textures of magenta and red. It’s bold but efficient. Striking, yet avant-garde.
Ebony – Unicolour
Ebony is a solid and worldly unicolour that adds prominence to interior spaces while highlighting the vibrancy of primary colours.
Eclipse – Spirit Woodgrain
Embracing the nature of Spirit, Eclipse is a dark, brooding woodgrain that adds subtle hints of biophilic elements while accentuating the remarkable presence of Viva Magenta. Defining contemporary home and retail spaces.
Bianco – Fantasies
With our Fantasies selection, we decided to apply the inverse. While black nudges towards class and sophistication, the industrial nature of lighter urban patterns creates a parity of vibrance and style.
Take a look at our various distributors and affiliates:
The Building Centre, The Kitchen Specialist association, The Green Building Council, and The African Institute of Interior Design Professions.
For more information on our wood-based decorative panels and services, visit us at https://sonaearauco.co.za/